Getting max value w/ 1 on 1's (sales leaders and teammates)

Anyone have some advice on how to structure 30 min. 1 on 1 check ins w/ sales leaders/teammates to get the maximum value of input and support? Any recommendations on a typical format for the half hour? Sometimes these chats (esp. w/ teammates) deviate off topic so I’m looking to proactively come up with agendas that can keep things on track for the best kind of discussions. Thank you.

My .02 is to keep your agendas simple and focused around a few key things — items like “blockers/challenges/support needed” or “key focuses of the week” or things of that nature.

When you begin with those high level topics, it can open the door to the other participant (a manager or a co-worker) to understand what your concentration is, and where you’re needing guidance or advice.

It can also be good to fill in a short template with these categories so the other person can do a pre-read (if possible) and be prepared in advance to react to the topics on your mind.

Last, but not least, an optional thing for a manager 1:1 can be to express “how you’re feeling” on a scale of 1 to 5 (or something.) Sometimes that can be an immediate gauge for your mindset (are you overly stressed or are you feeling great?) Answering those kinds of questions in some kind of scale can also help your manager guide you toward being more balanced. They may only know how you’re feeling if you openly express it, and it gives them a metric to set as a baseline so they can help you improve if you’re veering too far in a negative direction.

Hope these thoughts help, @rick.reilly!

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Check-ins require you to bring two things to the call minimally: value and an agenda. If you plan a meandering :hi, how are you call?", that is a waste of everyone’s time. With every communication, even less formal 1:1 check-ins, you must bring value. Bring a deer in headlights question, a relevant industry story and ask how they are handling a similar challenge, educate about something new coming and position them for a POC.


Appreciate the tips, guys… thank you, thank you @Matt.Conley @steven.schneiderman

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Right now, I think it’s important to acknowledge market challenges but do it in a way that drives solutions. Negativity can become culture.

When trying to work through challenges or initiatives, provide 1-2 potential solutions and ask for feedback